Tridge Stories
Tridge Stories

Tridge Launches the Enterprise Seller Plan

May 23, 2022
2 min read

We are excited to announce our newest plan for Enterprise Sellers. The Enterprise Seller Plan is created to help our suppliers maximize their exposure to potential buyers and find new business opportunities across the globe.

With 26K verified suppliers in food and agricultural products covering over 1.3K variety of products from 141 countries, the Supplier Directory is an extensive network of buyers and sellers that helps increase the chance for global business.

The new enterprise seller plan is for suppliers who use the solutions. They are able to find the best way to expand global sales with customized consulting services with banner advertisements, premium plans for displaying at the top of the list, and custom market reports.

Finding the right and suitable global partners is a crucial part of the business. Extensive supplier information and a communication feature for buyers and suppliers can help our customers’ businesses transform into a competitive advantage.

To learn more, visit the Supplier Directory and contact us for more information on the Enterprise Plan.

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