Tridge Stories
Tridge Stories

Tridge German Team Earns IFS Broker Certification

Oct 27, 2022
5 min read

Our German team has been awarded the International Featured Standard (IFS) Broker Certification recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiatives (GFSI).

IFS Broker Certification is an internationally recognized standard of auditing food brokers, trade agencies, and importers with the International Featured Standard series. The purpose is to assess how companies select and manage suppliers, how they comply with traceability product recalls, and other specific customer requirements. 

This certification is a testament to Tridge’s commitment to meeting high standards of safety, quality, and legality of traded products. 

... it gives us new opportunities on the market. It opens up more doors to do business with potential clients who only work with independently audited companies,” Anna Dorany, Global Distribution Associate in Germany explained. 

In an interview with Anna, she mentioned that “another added value for us is that it compels Tridge to optimize the processes, especially regarding the non-conforming products or the complaint management system.” In other words, through this audit process, Tridge has become a better company and will continue to strive for excellence with improved processes and a more systematized way of performing tasks.

We also spoke to Alicia Abendroth, Platform Sales Manager in Germany. She shared that “the hard work is not over yet, because to renew the Certificate, we need to ensure Tridge's continued compliance every year. This can only be achieved with the joint effort of all Global Experts and HQ Tridge members.”

Our reliable and experienced industry experts are ready to guide you through the different aspects of your trading plan and process. 

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