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Tridge Stories

Tridge collaborates with City, University of London

Feb 16, 2023
3 min

Tridge and City, University of London are collaborating to provide valuable intelligence and data to students majoring in Food Policy. The collaboration is aimed at providing insights into sustainable food systems and improving food policy globally.

Dr. Christian Reynolds, a global expert on Food Policy and sustainable food systems, leads the masters course in Food Policy at City, University of London. He has been a Tridge Intelligence & Data user for 2 years and has been leveraging our News & Insights, Analysis & Reports, and Data Explorer. He believes these insights are valuable for students majoring in Food Policy at the City, University of London. "Understanding value chains is crucial to creating effective food policy. Our students have been using Tridge to explore the complexity of the food system. Tridge has helped my students generate detailed analysis of value chains using Data Explorer; and develop effective and timely policy recommendations through the News & Insights and Analysis & Reports services)” said Dr Reynolds.

The synergy between Tridge and City, University of London will enable students to gain a better understanding of the food industry and the challenges faced by policymakers. The insights provided by Tridge will be integrated into the coursework, giving students a unique perspective on the industry and real-world experience in analyzing and interpreting data.

City, University of London's commitment to sustainable food systems aligns with Tridge's mission to promote responsible and sustainable trade practices. By collaborating with City, University of London, Tridge hopes to contribute to the development of effective food policy and promote sustainable food systems globally. Earlier this month City, University of London provided Tridge with the opportunity to introduce our platform and solutions to the students.

"We are excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with City, University of London and share our expertise and data within this sector. As a market disruptor, we believe we can provide some valuable insight that may contribute to the development of effective food policy and promote sustainable trade practices" said a spokesperson for Tridge.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Tridge and City, University of London provides an excellent opportunity for students majoring in Food Policy to gain valuable insights into the food industry and sustainable food systems. By leveraging Tridge's intelligence and data, students will be better equipped to develop effective food policies and contribute to the promotion of sustainable food systems globally. We look forward to future partnerships with other academic institutions in exploring practical applications of our agri-food supply chain data.

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